Your Membership Matters


Why is it Important that Each Household Send Annual Dues payment of $35.00 (less than $3 per month)?

Membership Dues Pay For:
Mowing & Edging – median from Donegal to Country Club Townhomes $ 2,500.00 
City of Corpus Christi Utilities – sprinkler system at front entrance $ 500.00 
CPL – lighting at front entrance $ 400.00
Beautification & Improvements / Neighborhood Events / Administrative / Repairs $ 1,200.00
**Minimum Annual Expenses: $ 4,600.00**

The original developers, Saratoga Land Company, left our community when they finished developing AND since there was no mandatory Home Owners Association for our subdivision, the neighborhood entrances and surrounding grounds were no longer being maintained and fell into complete disarray.

The City stated that it is the responsibility of the residents of that community to maintain the common areas. So in May 1982, a neighborhood meeting was held and the Country Club Estates Civic Association (CCECA) was established for the purpose of Community Improvement and Beautification.

CCECA’s primary responsibility is to mow along Everhart from Donegal towards the Country Club Townhomes (*the City DOES NOT mow that long strip*) and maintain the signages and planting beds at the 4 entrance markers (Everhart & Congressional and along Saratoga). 

CCECA Members have also contributed to the community in many other ways over the years:

  • Purchased all the Oak trees lining Shea Parkway, as well as, the Oak & Mesquite trees at the Country Club Park on Congressional & Brisbane.
  • Installed the 3 brick entry columns at Swansea, Coral Gables, & Oakbrook.
  • Petitioned to place a red-light intersection at Congressional and Everhart.
  • As well as, pay for numerous repairs from vehicle & weather-related damages to our entrance markers.

Keeping our Neighborhood well maintained and a wonderful place to live is only possible through the support of our residents.

Please mail your Membership Dues to:
PO BOX 270203
Corpus Christi, TX 78427


You must first have your website registration approved before having access to pay online. Once you register, we will receive the notice to approve your registration. If you do not receive the approval within a day, please call Liz Parsley at 361-816-4527. Click here to register. 

Thank you for your support!!